Manuka Blended Tea, 15BAGS

Manuka Blended Tea, 15BAGS

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تشتهر شجرة المانوكا بأفضل عسل في العالم وهو العسل الذي يأتي من رحيق زهرة المانوكا. ومع  ذلك، كانت أوراق شجرة المانوكا تستخدم تقليديا كبديل للشاي من قبل المواطنين الأوائل
هذه الورقة العطرية بشكل لايصدق هي التي تحتوي على الخصائص الفريدة والرائعة لزيت مانوكا الأساسي. حيث يوازن هذا المزيج بين المذاق النقي لأوراق شجرة المانوكا مع أوراق النعناع العضوي وعصير الليمون التي تضفي طعم النعناع الحمضي على هذه العشبة النيوزيلندية الفريدة
:بعض فوائد شاي مانوكا
مضاد حيوي ومضاد أكسدة طبيعي
يساعد في علاج نزلات البرد والسعال
يساعد في علاج مشاكل الجهاز الهضمي
يساعد في علاج مشاكل الجهاز البولي
Manuka is most well-known for its honey made from the nectar of the flower, however, the leaf was traditionally used as a tea replacement by early settlers in New Zealand. This incredibly fragrant leaf is what contains the remarkable properties of the Manuka essential oil. This blend balances the pure taste of Manuka Leaf with hints of Spearmint and Lemon Juice that lend citrus minty tones to this unique NZ herb.
Ingredients: Manuka Leaf* (67%), Spearmint+, Lemon Juice Powder
+Organic or *Wildharvested
Contains 100% herbs, no added flavours, sugar or sweeteners
Manuka Blend Tea Benefits:
  • Natural Antibiotic - One of Mānuka’s strongest properties is how it may help with many different types of infections. It was used extensively in traditional use for a wide range of fungal infections from tinea and candida and also many different types of bacterial infections. It may be very effective in helping to combat Staph. aureus bacterial infections which have an increasingly high resistance to many antibiotics used today.

  • Coughs and Colds - Not only may it help with the underlying infections which have caused the cold but it also may help as a diaphoretic which helps support sweating to clear the cold from the body.

  • Digestive Complaints - Used traditionally as a tea substitute and as a cure for scurvy, Mānuka was thought to have a strong healing action on the digestive function. It was used for many different types of complaints including diarrhoea, irritable bowel, indigestion and colic.

  • Urinary Complaints - Another area where Mānuka was used extensively to help with a large number of complaints including bedwetting, incontinence and fluid retention.